Saturday, March 10, 2012

Immigration Lit Circle?

For Lit., Society, and Self, Erica and I have met with some resistance when we try to teach a unit on immigration using the book Enrique's Journey. It occurred to me that we could do a lit. circle unit on immigration and broaden students' thinking about immigration, so that they begin to understand that it does not only refer to people entering the United States from Mexico. Here is my brainstormed list of potential books. Any other suggestions?
Little Bee
Kite Runner
Flesh and Blood So Cheap
Buddha in the Attic
American Born CHinese
Funny in Farsi
Shanghai Girls
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
The House on Mango Street
Dreams of My Father
No Safe Place
Unaccustomed Earth (or The Namesake or Interpreter of Maladies)
Inside Out and Back Again

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how "The Boy With The Stripped Pajamas" would work. When I read it, I didn't even feel it was about history or even realize it was about a concentration camp until I was about halfway through it (even though it has so much history in it! But if the students feel like they aren't reading about history, maybe they'll check into it. It really reels you into the book and the ending makes you think.

    What about Sarah's Key? Again about a "concentration camp". Great book!!! It also visits 2 different point of views and 2 different characters tell the story.
